Plastic Free July: How to Participate

With sustainability being one of our brand messages, we find it extremely important to take part in Plastic-Free July. 

Plastic-free July is a global movement that challenges people to reduce their single-use plastics during the entire month of July. We are joining in on this challenge and would love for you to participate in this sustainable movement as well. In an effort to promote Plastic-Free July, we will be posting 1 tip a day to help bring light to this initiative. 

We know how surprised you’ll be when you see how often we use single-use plastic in our daily lives. I hope that we can all complete this challenge with a greater understanding of how detrimental plastic can be to our planet and live consciously about reducing our plastic footprint. 

If you need some direction on where to begin, here are a few items you can cut out: bottles, coffee cups, cutlery, straws, shopping bags and food packaging, to name a few.


To learn more, please head to Plastic Free July for more ways to get involved!


Tag us on your posts and use #PlasticFreeAvre to join the conversation! 



